IJHE Bildungsgeschichte

International Journal for the Historiography of Education 12. Jahrgang (2022) Heft 1, Dt/engl

Erschienen am 14.04.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783781525047
Sprache: Deutsch
Umfang: 114 S.


Beiträge In die Schule einzudringen, ist besonders wichtig Lehrmittel für die Luftfahrterziehung in deutschen Schulen (19091945) Debatte 50 years of reconceptualist movement in curriculum research: What remains? 50 Jahre Rekonzeptualismus in der Curriculum-Forschung: Was bleibt? Kolumne Terri Seddon Learning through crises: Organizing education for uncertain times Vorschau auf 2-2022 Our field needs to get out of the Eurocentric epistemological straitjacket. There is a struggle against curriculum epistemicides at the core of the field and an advocacy for an itinerant curriculum theory (ICT) as the future path for the field; a commitment to epistemological disobedience towards a non-derivative theoretical approach, one that is responsive to the worlds epistemological different and diversity an alternative utopian logic. (João M. Paraskeva)


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