The book reviews and reports the recent progress and knowledge on the specific impact of current and projected urban overheating as well as of the urban mitigation technologies on mortality and morbidity and urban vulnerability. It presents recent data and developments on the topic reported by some of the more distinguished researchers in this area. In parallel, it discusses new findings related to the characteristics and the magnitude of urban overheating and reports and analyzes the recent knowledge on the synergies between urban heat island and heatwaves. This book helps to advance our understanding on the interaction between Urban Heat Island (UHI) and overheating as well as their impact on energy demand and public health globally. Exploring the interaction between UHI and energy consumption requires the understanding on the dynamics of UHI intensity and air pollution index in different land use and how such interactions may vary in different cities in the world. Moreover, this book focuses on different cities in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Cyprus, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Asia, Spain, UK, and USA.
Springer Verlag GmbH
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DE 69121 Heidelberg
Nasrin Aghamohammadi is Associate Professor in Environmental Health Engineering in faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya. Her core expertise is on urban health, climate change adaptation, Urban Heat Island Phenomenon, and health impact. She is currently leading a grand challenge project in Malaysia on Urban Heat Island and climate change addressing Sustainable Development Goals for future cities. Urban Heat Island Phenomenon In Tropical Urban Area is one of the recent grand challenges led by her funded by University of Malaya which consists of four interdisciplinary wings from build environment, social behavior, computer science, and engineering. She has been Investigator on more than 14 research projects. She has supervised 37 Master and 12 Ph.D. students and has published several books/chapters, and 58 papers on public health, air pollution, environmental pollution, modelling, and review papers in peer-review publications with an H-index of 19. She is Member of Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) in UK, Member of Institution of the Charted Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) in UK, Member of Environmental Management & Research Association (ENSEARCH) in Malaysia, Member of the International Association of Engineers (IAENG) in Hong Kong, and Member of Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEHUM) in University Malaya and Centre for Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Practice in University of Malaya. M. Santamouris is Scientia, Distinguished, Professor of High Performance Architecture at UNSW; past Professor in the University of Athens, Greece; Visiting Professor: Cyprus Institute, Metropolitan University London, Tokyo Polytechnic University, Bolzano University, Brunnel University, Seoul University, and National University of Singapore; Past President of the National Center of Renewable and Energy Savings of Greece; Editor in Chief of the Energy and Buildings Journal; Past Editor in Chief of the Advances Building Energy Research; Associate Editor of the Solar Energy Journal; Member of the Editorial Board of 14 Journals; Editor of the Series of Book on Buildings, published by Earthscan Science Publishers; Editor and Author of 17 international books published by Elsevier, Earthscan, Springer, etc.; Author of 348 scientific articles published in journals; Reviewer of research projects in 29 countries including USA, UK, France, Germany, Canada, Sweden, etc.; ranked by the Standford researcher list as No 1 Scientist on Building and Construction for 2018 and 2019 and Np 679 in the list of all sciences; and highly cited Researcher, 1 %, by Clarivate for 3 continuous years.