InhaltsangabePreface. Introduction. 1: Scientific papers. Environmental and biological aspects of slope dwelling fishes of the North Atlantic; J.D.M. Gordon, et al. Structure over time of an exploited deep-water fish assemblage; R.L. Haedrich. The biology and fishery of roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris, Gunnerus, 1765) in the North West Atlantic; D.B. Atkinson. Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides): A review of the dynamics of its distribution and fisheries off eastern Canada and Greenland; W.R. Bowering, W.B. Brodie. The distribution, relative abundance and the biology of the deep-sea fishes of the icelandic slope and Reykjanes ridge; J.V. Magnússon, J. Magnússon. Deep-water resources in Faroese waters to the south, southwest and west of the Faroes - a preliminary account; J. Reinert. Comparisons between longlining and trawling for deep-water species - selectivity, quality and catchability - a review; N.R. Hareide. A comparison of deep-water trawl and longline research fishing in the Davis Straits; G.A. Jørgensen. Experience with management of orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) in New Zealand, and the effects of commercial fishing on stocks over the period 1980-1993; M. Clark. Age determination of deep-water fishes; experiences, status and challenges for the future; O.A. Bergstad. 2: Review papers. Spanish North Atlantic deep-water fisheries; S. Iglesias, J. Paz. The Irish experience of deep-water fishing in the North East Atlantic; R. McCormick. Fisheries policy and the survival of fishing communities in eastern Canada; R.E. Ommer. Line fishing for black scabbard fish (Aphanopus carbo, Lowe, 1839) and other deep-water species in the eastern mid-Atlantic to the north of Madeira; R.Martins, C. Ferreira. French exploration of the deep-water fisheries of the North Atlantic; A. Charuau, et al. Russian (USSR) fisheries research in deep waters (below 500 m) in the North Atlantic; F.M. Troyanovsky, S.F. Losovsky. Norwegian experience of deep-water fishing with longlines; H.E. Olsen. 3: Technical papers. Experimental utilisation and marketing of by-catches and deep-water species in Ireland; H.P. Thorsteinsson, G. Valdimarsson. Deep-water trawling techniques used by Icelandic fishermen; G. Gunnarsson. Canadian experience: deep-water fishing gill netting in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean; A. Duthie, A. Marsden. 4: Summary of workshop sessions. Appendix: List of delegates and the steering committee.
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Preface. Introduction. 1: Scientific papers. Environmental and biological aspects of slope dwelling fishes of the North Atlantic; J.D.M. Gordon, et al. Structure over time of an exploited deep-water fish assemblage; R.L. Haedrich. The biology and fishery of roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris, Gunnerus, 1765) in the North West Atlantic; D.B. Atkinson. Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides): A review of the dynamics of its distribution and fisheries off eastern Canada and Greenland; W.R. Bowering, W.B. Brodie. The distribution, relative abundance and the biology of the deep-sea fishes of the icelandic slope and Reykjanes ridge; J.V. Magnusson, J. Magnusson. Deep-water resources in Faroese waters to the south, southwest and west of the Faroes - a preliminary account; J. Reinert. Comparisons between longlining and trawling for deep-water species - selectivity, quality and catchability - a review; N.R. Hareide. A comparison of deep-water trawl and longline research fishing in the Davis Straits; G.A. Jorgensen. Experience with management of orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) in New Zealand, and the effects of commercial fishing on stocks over the period 1980-1993; M. Clark. Age determination of deep-water fishes; experiences, status and challenges for the future; O.A. Bergstad. 2: Review papers. Spanish North Atlantic deep-water fisheries; S. Iglesias, J. Paz. The Irish experience of deep-water fishing in the North East Atlantic; R. McCormick. Fisheries policy and the survival of fishing communities in eastern Canada; R.E. Ommer. Line fishing for black scabbard fish (Aphanopus carbo, Lowe, 1839) and other deep-water species in the eastern mid-Atlantic to the north of Madeira; R. Martins, C. Ferreira. French exploration of the deep-water fisheries of the North Atlantic; A. Charuau, et al. Russian (USSR) fisheries research in deep waters (below 500 m) in the North Atlantic; F.M. Troyanovsky, S.F. Losovsky. Norwegian experience of deep-water fishing with longlines; H.E. Olsen. 3: Technical papers. Experimental utilisation and marketing of by-catches and deep-water species in Ireland; H.P. Thorsteinsson, G. Valdimarsson. Deep-water trawling techniques used by Icelandic fishermen; G. Gunnarsson. Canadian experience: deep-water fishing gill netting in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean; A. Duthie, A. Marsden. 4: Summary of workshop sessions. Appendix: List of delegates and the steering committee.