This study was conducted with the purpose of investigating strategies for teaching numeracy skills in selected primary schools in Chipata district of Eastern Zambia. The research questions were as follows: (1) what teaching strategies are used to teach numeracy skills in primary schools? (2) In what environment is numeracy taught in primary schools? (3) What are teachers perceptions regarding factors influencing numeracy skills among primary school pupils? This was a qualitative research that followed a case study design, in which purposeful sampling was used to select a sample of three schools, from which a grade four teacher was selected and ten pupils were picked each time during FGD from each school. Data was collected using interviews with teachers, lesson observations, and focus group discussions with pupils, which was analyzed manually through constant comparative method following Seidel model. The results were that even though teachers made efforts to engage pupils through strategies like question and answer, group activities just to mention a few, teachers predominantly used teacher-centered strategies such as demonstrations and exposition.
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Saidi Mwanamonga is a Lecturer of Mathematics at Mufulira College of Education. He holds an MA degree in Mathematics Education from University of Zambia. He has been teaching Mathematics for 31 years ranging from primary/ basic School, Secondary School and teaching in colleges. This book is the result of his dissertation at MA level.