Should the housing provision for all be conceived as a common good of a society? What could a good housing policy in terms of the human right to housing look like? And how can housing be defined as a common good? The authors of this book deal with these and other multifaceted questions concerning housing and social space development.
Verlag Barbara Budrich GmbH
Magdalena Lautenschlager
Stauffenbergstraße 7
DE 51379 Leverkusen-Opladen
Prof. Dr. habil. Monika Alisch, Fachbereich Sozialwesen, Hochschule Fulda; Leiterin des Centre of Research for Society and Sustainability (CeSSt); Leitungsmitglied des Hessischen Promotionszentrum Soziale Arbeit Prof. Dr. habil. Michael May, Fachbereich Sozialwesen, Hochschule RheinMain; in der Leitung und Sprecher des Hessischen Promotionszentrums Soziale Arbeit; Honorary Professor of Social Exclusion and Pedagogy in the Welfare State at the Danish School of Education