InhaltsangabePart I - Conceptual Foundations of Model-Driven Development Models, Modeling, and Model-Driven Architecture (Brown, Conallen, Tropeano) A Systematic Lool at Model Transformations (Metzger) Tool Support for Model-Driven Development of Security Critical Systems with UML (Jürjens, Shabalin) CasteCentric Modelling of MultiAgent Systems: The CAMLE Modeling Language and Automated Tools (Zhu, Shan) Using Graph Transformation for Practical Model Driven Software Engineering (Grunske et. al.) A Generalized Notion of Platforms for Model Driven Development (Atkinson, Kühne) Part II Technical Infrastructure of ModelDriven Development A Tool Infrastructure for Model-Driven Development Using Aspectual Patterns (Hammouda) Automatically Discovering Transitive Relationships in Class Diagrams (Egyed) Generic and Domain-Specific Model Refactoring using a Model Transformation Engine (Zhang, Lin, Gray) A Testing Framework for Model Transformations (Lin, Zhang, Gray) Parallax An AspectEnabled Framework for PluginBased MDA Refinements Towards Middleware (Silaghi, Strohmeier) Evolution and Maintenance of MDA Applications (Seifert, Beneken) Part III Case Studies Intents and Upgrades in Component-Based High-Assurance Systems (Elmquivst, Nadjm-Tehrani) On Modeling Techniques for Supporting Model Driven Development of Protocol Processing Applications (Alanen, Lilius, Porres, Truscan) An Integrated Model-Driven Development Environment for Composing and Vaklidating Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Systems (Trombetti et. al.) A ModelDriven Technique for Development of Embedded Systems Based on DEVS Formalism (Wainer, Glinsky, MacSween) Model Driven Service Engineering (Broek, Melby) Practical Insights into Model-Driven Architecture (Brown, Conallen, Tropeano)
Springer Verlag GmbH
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DE 69121 Heidelberg
Sami Beydeda is an IT officer at the Federal Finance Office (Bundesamt füer Finanzen), Germany. His research interests besides model-driven development include software testing and component-based development. He has written his PhD thesis on "The Self-Testing COTS Components (STECC) Method". Sami Beydeda is a program committee co-chair of TECOS 2004, TQACBS 2005, program committee member of COMPSAC 2004, SEA 2004, QATWBA 2004, QATWBA 2005, TQACBS 2005. Matthias Book is a research associate at the Chair of Applied Telematics / e-Business at the University of Leipzig in Germany. He is writing his PhD thesis on dialog flow control in web applications. His research interests include software engineering for distributed applications and especially model-driven design of web applications. Volker Gruhn is a full professor at the computer science department of the University of Leipzig, Germany. His research interests are component-based development, software processes for distributed systems, architecture of electronic commerce applications and workflow management. He has been chief technical officer of a German software house called LION from 1992 to 1996. In this position he was responsible for a software development department of 150 people. Volker Gruhn was a PC member of major software engineering conferences (ESEC95, ESEC97, ICSE2004) and several software process workshops and conferences. He was program chair of the 6th European Workshop on Software Process Technology and the 8th European Software Engineering Conference. Volker Gruhn has already organized a workshop at ICSE, the Engineering Distributed Objects Workshop during ICSE 99. In 1997 Volker Gruhn co-founded adesso AG, a German software house specialized in component-based software development. adesso AG currently has 170 employees.
Part I - Conceptual Foundations of Model-Driven Development Models, Modeling, and Model-Driven Architecture (Brown, Conallen, Tropeano) A Systematic Lool at Model Transformations (Metzger) Tool Support for Model-Driven Development of Security Critical Systems with UML (Jürjens, Shabalin) Caste-Centric Modelling of Multi-Agent Systems: The CAMLE Modeling Language and Automated Tools (Zhu, Shan) Using Graph Transformation for Practical Model Driven Software Engineering (Grunske et. al.) A Generalized Notion of Platforms for Model Driven Development (Atkinson, Kühne) Part II - Technical Infrastructure of Model-Driven Development A Tool Infrastructure for Model-Driven Development Using Aspectual Patterns (Hammouda) Automatically Discovering Transitive Relationships in Class Diagrams (Egyed) Generic and Domain-Specific Model Refactoring using a Model Transformation Engine (Zhang, Lin, Gray) A Testing Framework for Model Transformations (Lin, Zhang, Gray) Parallax - An Aspect-Enabled Framework for Plugin-Based MDA Refinements Towards Middleware (Silaghi, Strohmeier) Evolution and Maintenance of MDA Applications (Seifert, Beneken) Part III - Case Studies Intents and Upgrades in Component-Based High-Assurance Systems (Elmquivst, Nadjm-Tehrani) On Modeling Techniques for Supporting Model Driven Development of Protocol Processing Applications (Alanen, Lilius, Porres, Truscan) An Integrated Model-Driven Development Environment for Composing and Vaklidating Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Systems (Trombetti et. al.) A Model-Driven Technique for Development of Embedded Systems Based on DEVS Formalism (Wainer, Glinsky, MacSween) Model Driven Service Engineering (Broek, Melby) Practical Insights into Model-Driven Architecture (Brown, Conallen, Tropeano)