'The Parliamentary Guidance and Control of the German Development Cooperation': This study examines if and how the German parliament guides and controls the German development cooperation in the light of the parliamentary scrutiny reservation, which derives from the constitutional principle of the rule of law. As the German development cooperation tends to be mainly organised and led by the executive power, there seems to be a need of an increased legislative participation. Therefore, the German parliament could pass a law concerning the German development cooperation to fulfil its constitutional duty.
Duncker & Humblot GmbH
Anne Fiedler
Carl-Heinrich-Becker-Weg 9
DE 12165 Berlin
Patrick Sachsenmaier studierte Rechtswissenschaften und Wirtschaftsrecht (LL.M. oec.) an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg und dem Institut détudes politiques (Sciences Po) de Paris. Im Jahr 2020 promovierte Patrick Sachsenmaier bei Universitätsprofessor Dr. Hermann Butzer, Richter des Niedersächsischen Staatsgerichtshofs, an der juristischen Fakultät der Leibniz Universität Hannover. Nach Abschluss des Rechtsreferendariats am Landgerichtsbezirk Erfurt ist er nunmehr in der Thüringer Justiz tätig.