Duncker & Humblot GmbH
Anne Fiedler
Carl-Heinrich-Becker-Weg 9
DE 12165 Berlin
Inhalt: V. Piergiovanni, Introduction - D. R. Coquillette, "Mourning Venice and Genoa": Joseph Story, Legal Education and the Lex Mercatoria - A. Cordes, The search for a medieval Lex mercatoria - C. Donahue, Jr., Benvenuto Stracca''s De Mercatura: Was There a Lex mercatoria in Sixteenth-Century Italy? - R. Ferrante, Codification and Lex mercatoria: the maritime law of the second book of the Code de commerce (1808) - M. Fortunati, The fairs between lex mercatoria and ius mercatorum - K. W. Nörr / K. Schlecht, Zur Entwicklung der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit in Deutschland: Gesetze und Entwürfe des 19. Jahrhunderts - A. Padoa-Schioppa, The Genoese commenda and implicita in a Discursus by Casaregis - V. Piergiovanni, Genoese Civil Rota and mercantile customary law - J. W. Shephard, The Roles d''Oleron: a lex mercatoria of the Sea? - A. Wijffels, Business Relations Between Merchants in Sixteenth-Century Belgian Practice-Orientated Civil Law Literature