Drawing upon the timeless wisdom of the Bhagavad Gt, a philosophical-spiritual world classic, this professional book highlights the spiritual and moral dimensions of management using an inside-out leadership development approach. It interprets the Bhagavad Gts teachings on the personality types and psychological makeup of managers and employees; self-knowledge and self-mastery; and the leadership concepts of vision, motivation, and empowerment. This book covers topics such as training of the mind, ethical leadership, communication, stress management, and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Collectively, the enclosed contributions provide managers with an enhanced outlook on management functions such as leading, planning, organizing, and controlling in todays organizations, particularly those run by knowledge workers. Management research in the 20th century has mainly focused on the industrial paradigm characterized by a hierarchical structure of authority and responsibility with an individualistic focus on the personality of the manager. However, this traditional paradigm cannot solve many of the problems that confront leaders and mangers today. Recent studies have shown that values traditionally associated with spiritualitysuch as integrity, honesty, trust, kindness, caring, fairness, and humilityhave a demonstrable effect on managerial effectiveness and success. Although traditionally interpreted as a religious-spiritual text, the Bhagavad Gt teaches these values which can be extrapolated and applied to practical management lessons in todays corporate boardrooms.
Applying the text of the Bhagavad Gt to the context of management, this book views the manager as an enlightened sage who operates from higher stance, guided by self-knowledge and self-mastery. It demonstrates how character is the key ingredient for effective management and leadership. This book is therefore applicable to all managers, from first-line to CEOs, in their management and leadership roles in organizations.
Satinder Dhiman:Recognized as a lead thinker for his pioneer contributions to the field of spirituality in the workplace, sustainability, and fulfillment in personal and professional arena, Professor Dhiman is a sought after Keynote speaker at regional, national and international conferences. In 2013, Dr. Dhiman was invited to be the opening speaker at the prestigious TEDx Conference @ College of the Canyons in Santa Clarita, California.
With an instructional and research focus on leadership and organizational behaviorand with specific concentration on sustainability, workplace spirituality and wellbeingProfessor Dhiman holds a PhD in Social Sciences from Tilburg University, Netherlands, an EdD in Organizational Leadership from Pepperdine University, Los Angeles, an MBA from West Coast University, Los Angeles, and a Masters degree in Commerce from Panjab University, Chandigarh, India, having earned the Gold Medal. He has also completed advanced Executive Leadership Programs at Harvard, Stanford, and Wharton.
Recipient of several national and international academic and professional honors, Dr. Dhiman won the Woodbury University Ambassador of the Year Award in 2015 and 2017 and MBA Professor of the Year Award in 2015; Most Inspirational and Most Charismatic MBA Professor of the Year Award in 2012, 2013, and 2014; the Steve Allen Excellence in Education Award in 2006, and the prestigious ACBSP International Teacher of the Year Award in 2004.
Professor Dhiman has done over 50 Conference Presentations and more than 50 Invited Keynotes, Plenary Sessions, Distinguished Key Guest Lectures and Creative Workshops
nationally and internationally; published over 60 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters; authored, co-authored, and co-edited over 20 management, leadership, and accounting related books and research monographs, including most recently authoring:
Holistic Leadership(Palgrave 2017),
Gandhi and Leadership (Palgrave 2015),
Seven Habits of Highly Fulfilled People(2012); and co-editing and co-authoring, with Joan Marques,
Spirituality and Sustainability (Springer 2016),
Leadership Today (Springer 2016), and
Engaged Leadership (Springer, 2018).
He is theEditor-in-Chief of two multi-authorMajorReferenceWorks:Springer Handbook of Engaged Sustainability (2018Springer International, Switzerland) andPalgrave Handbook of Workplace Spirituality and Fulfillment (2018Palgrave Macmillan, USA),Editor-in-Chief ofPalgrave Studies in Workplace Spirituality and Fulfillmentand editor ofSpringer Series in Management, Change, Strategy and Positive Leadership. Some of his forthcoming titles include:Bhagavad Gita and Leadership: A Catalyst for Organizational Transformation;Leading without Power:AModel of Highly Fulfilled Leaders (2018/2019Palgrave Macmillan), andConscious Consumption: Diet, Sustainability and Wellbeing(2019Routledge, UK).
Currently, Professor Dhiman serves as the Associate Dean, Chair and Director of the MBA Program; and the Professor of Management at Woodbury University, Burbank, California. He has served as the Chair for a special MBA Program for the Mercedes-Benz executives, China. Dr. Dhiman also serves as Accreditation Consultant, Evaluator, and Site Visit Team Leader for the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) for various universities in America, Canada, Europe, and Asia.
Professor Dhiman is the Founder-Director of Forever Fulfilled, a Los Angeles-based Wellbeing Consultancy that focuses on workplace wellness, workplace spirituality, and self-leadership. He also serves as the President of International Chamber for Service Industry (ICSI).
A. D. Amar (Amar Dev Amar):An expert in knowledge work and organization management theory, Professor Amar, received the 2013 Carolyn Dexter Finalist Award of the Academy of Management for his work on the effects of meditation on emotional intelligence and leadership of CEOs. He was also the 2013 Stillman Star of the W. Paul Stillman School of Business and awarded the 2010 NJBIA Bright Idea Award in Management by NJPRO Foundation of New Jersey Business and Industry Association (NJBIA) for his publication in theHarvard Business Review on leading without authority in the context of knowledge organizations.
His papers on leadership and meditation were selected as Best Papers of the AOM Annual Meetings of 2013 and 2014. He received the 2017 Professor of the Year Award from IARC. His paper on motivating knowledge workers has been the 5th Most Read Article of 2015 and the 8th Most Read Article of 2016 of the
European Journal of Innovation Management and has full text downloads of 17,304 since 2013 (https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/14601060410534366). Full text of the article: Amar, A. D. (2004). Motivating knowledge workers to innovate: a model integrating motivation dynamics and antecedents.
European Journal of Innovation Management,7(2), pp. 89-101 can be downloaded at http://www.emeraldinsight.com/action/showMostReadArticles?journalCode=ejim.
Professor Amar has taught, consulted, held management positions and trained managers in industry and public sector undertakings in the USA, India, Poland, Russia, and the United Kingdom. He has served as external examiner on several Ph.D. committees, has years of research in knowledge work, and hundreds of scholarly publications and presentations on a variety of management topics. Among his publications is a graduate-level textbook on knowledge work and organizations titledManaging Knowledge Workers(Westport, CT: Quorum Books; 2002) and many peer-reviewed scholarly research articles injournals such as theHarvard Business Review, Organizational Dynamics, European Journal of Innovation Management, andIIE Transactions. Dr. Amar has been department chairperson, Director of MBA Assessment, Director of Seton Hall University Comprehensive Achievement Program (SHUCAP), Director Management Development Center, and the Editor cum Director of theMid-Atlantic Journal of Businessfor 12 years.
Dr. Amar has worked for Orisun Machine Tools, Teledyne Pacific Industrial Controls, and Vornado Corp. He has designed large-scale computer and automation systems for forecasting, supply chain, and manufacturing. His consulting clients include Arkwin Industries, Hydrocraft Corporation, City of New York, State of New Jersey, General Motors, Social Security Administration, US Postal Service, VornadoStore Decor, and VW/Audi.