LIVE LIFE BETTER THAN YOU HAVE TO, NEVER BE AFRAID OF YOUR OWN STYLE AND BLOW YOUR OWN GOD DAMN MIND FOR A CHANGE Life Will See You Now is a rousing, uplifting anthem that will inspire you to put down your phone, rediscover what truly matters and completely rethink what 'making it' in life actually means. A personal development title with a difference; there's no step-by-step guide and no map to change your life. Instead, it provides you with hilarious real life inspiration, motivation and energy to figure it out for yourself, while rediscovering that wee piece of magic you had when you were just five years old. Bestselling author, award winning comedian and international keynote speaker Gavin Oattes makes the argument, backed by both positive psychology and an abundance of childlike wonder, that in an anxious world ruled by pressure, ego and other people's expectations, we are all incredibly lucky to be alive at a time where kindness, gratitude, play and ice-lollies really do matter. So you've picked up this book for a reason.and you've read this far. Now, in your best interest, it is recommended that you switch off your phone, turn to chapter 1, take a big deep breath and remember just who the f*ck you are. "Funny, enigmatic and heartfelt, Gavin Oattes is officially the 4th emergency service. If you're stopped by the roadside of life, the wheels close to coming off, this book is a must." Jamie McCall, VP Brand Marketing, Nike Direct EMEA "Thank Christ for Gavin Oattes. I literally didn't put this book down. To all the dreamers out there, put the phones down, get this book, start the dream today. I nearly read it in one day and that's saying something, as I'm thick as shit!" Jason Byrne, Comedian and Radio Host
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