Als Gustav Bär klein war' aus 'Gustav Bär erzählt Geschichten

Hörbuchdownload, Gelesen von: Ekaterina Korotaeva

Erschienen am 14.03.2024, 1. Auflage 2024
12,99 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 4099995341195
Sprache: Russisch
Umfang: 50.15 MB
Format: MP3 (in ZIP-Archiv)
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


A bear named Gustav lived alone in his cozy bear house. But one day someone knocked on his door. Yes, three bear cubs have returned - Chilly, Mokki and Bim! They froze on the way and again asked to live with Gustav. During the day, the bear Gustav cooks porridge for them and bakes pancakes, and also invents many different games and teaches them to compose poetry. And in the evening he tells stories to three cubs - about how he was little, about his sister Olga, impudent cousin Barry, strict uncle Adalber and aunt Bertrude, who loved to collect all sorts of things. Short stories can be read aloud to children over and over again. Stories about the life of bears alternate with a bedtime story. book chips - Tilde Michels - classic of German literature for children, winner of many prestigious literary awards A book that several generations have grown up with. Now Russian readers can get acquainted with the books of Tilde Michels Cozy, kind and boring stories in which children recognize themselves - Ideal format for reading aloud before bed Classics of German children's literature with new, kind and fabulous illustrations by Russian artist Elizaveta Tretyakova - Suitable for both boys and girls from 3 years old - For fans of the series "Tilda Apple Seed" and "Lapin" Traditional values and overcoming conflicts Translation by Anna Torgashina, Chukovsky Prize finalist Who is this book for? For children from 3 years old. For fans of the Tilda Apple Seed and Lapin series.


(1920-2012). --. , . -- . . , 1960- . : 1986 , 1992 , 2001 Schwabing Art Prize. . , - . ( ), . : , (BA (Hons) Illustration, Plymouth University). , , . , , , , , , . - . . . . .. . - Kein Kinderspiel . , , , «? ? ?». « . » 2021 « 7 ».